<aside> ✨ Maxia is an AI service for businesses - we build and run AI models for you, from your data. If you're a Segment customer, we want to help your businesses Sales, Marketing and Product Teams with predictions from our AI platform built from your Segment data.


Maxia has recently released new Warehouse and AI technologies to help Segment customers integrate AI into their businesses.

Beta FAQ

  1. Why should I sign up for the Maxia Beta?

    Maxia's AI has the potential to improve your businesses and empower your employees. AI predictions sent into Segment destinations like Marketing Automation, CRMs, and Redshift allow you to do things like customize your app, communications, or processes based on our predictions.

    Maxia's AI is explainable, meaning that whatever AI model we build for you, you can analyze which events and user traits have the biggest impact on making predictions across your entire dataset.

    Maxia's AI is production ready - if your company is like the countless many that have struggled to build high-performing AI models from your data, or deploying those AI models so they can be widely used, Maxia's AI are thoroughly trained and validated and serve live predictions from your latest data.

  2. What should I expect as a Beta customer?

    While we're working to make our platform self-serve, you can expect a more hands-on process with the Maxia team. After signing up for Maxia and setting up your first Warehouse, you'll need to book a Calendly call with us to discuss your business AI needs and opportunities, and receive your Maxia API key.

    With your API key, you'll be able to setup your Maxia Integration inside of Segment, which you'll use to send Maxia your historic* (*Segment Business Plan customers only) and live analytics data.

    With your data, Maxia will train and validate an AI model and make test predictions on a recent snapshot of your Segment data. We'll share the results with you, and if the model performs well enough, we'll set it up so it serves live predictions from your latest data, and sends those predictions back into Segment.

  3. What kind of AI models are you offering in the Beta?

    Currently, Maxia can help businesses with event and user prediction AIs. If there's an important Segment event you're tracking, (especially conversion events like signup or payment), or an import user traits like recurring revenue, Maxia can build an AI that predicts the "probability" that users will perform that event or match that trait. Examples of these AI's include:

    Maxia is also developing AI models to specifically predict churn and LTV, and will be available at a later date.

  4. Are there any requirements to join the Beta?

    You should be Segment Customer on a Business Plan, so that historic data can be sent with the Maxia integration. Ideally, you'll have at least 2 years of Segment data.

  5. What's the Beta pricing?

    We'll build you an AI model and provide an initial set of predictions for free. Plans for additional predictions start at $1,000/month USD

  6. Why should Maxia build an AI for me?